
Won best "Machine Learning in Retail" at HackGT 8 (2021).

Quasar is a web app available on desktop, iOS, and Android that uses augmented reality, machine learning, blockchain, and crypto to modernize shopping - making a new interplay between the physical world and digital shopping platforms.

Quasar modernizes the digital shopping experience by leveraging augmented reality (AR) and machine learning (ML) techniques to bring digital shopping into the physical world. By visualizing products in their own physical environment through 3D product models and augmented reality, customers can see how items will look and fit before making a purchase. The ML-powered smarter search allows users to find products by simply scanning images of related items, eliminating the need for keyword searches. Users can have peace of mind knowing they will receive top-quality products, verified through a private blockchain that acts as a quality control ledger. Additionally, the platform enables crypto payments, making it accessible to a larger audience. The blockchain-based quality control ledger tracks the lifecycle of a product from manufacturing to production to store shelves, ensuring transparency and quality throughout the process.

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